



  • Nakamura H, and Ohta K
    Understanding subcortical projections to the lateral posterior thalamic nucleus and its subregions using retrograde neural tracing.
    Front Neuroanat 18:1430636, 2024
    doi: 10.3389/fnana.2024.143636. eCollection 2024.


  • Shima Y, Miyabayashi K, Mori T, Ono K, Kajimoto M, Cho H-L, Tsuchida H, Uenoyama Y, Tsukamura H, Suzuki K, Choi M-H, Toida K
    Intronic enhancer is essential for Nr5a1 expression in the pituitary gonadotrope and for postnatal development of male reproductive organs in a mouse model.
    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24(1), 192, 2023


  • Shima Y, Miyabayashi K, Mori T, Ono K, Kajimoto M, Cho H-L, Tsuchida H, Uenoyama Y, Tsukamura H, Suzuki K, Choi M-H, Toida K
    Intronic enhancer is essential for Nr5a1 expression in the pituitary gonadotrope and for postnatal development of male reproductive organs in a mouse model.
    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24(1), 192, 2023
  • Shingo Hirashima, Keisuke Ohta, Akinobu Togo, Risa Tsuneyoshi, Jingo Kusukawa, Kei-ichiro Nakamura: Mesoscopic structural analysis via deep learning processing, with a special reference to in vitro alteration in collagen fibre induced by a gap junction inhibitor.
    Microscopy, dfac044, 10 September 2022
  • Inoue M, Baba T, Takahashi F, Terao M, Yanai S, Shima Y, Saito D, Sugihara K, Miura T, Takada S, Suyama M, Ohkawa Y, Morohashi KI.
    Tmsb10 triggers fetal Leydig differentiation by suppressing the RAS/ERK pathway.
    Commun Biol. 2022 Sep 15;5(1):974.
    Doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03941-5.
  • Tasuku Hiroshige, Kei‑Ichiro Uemura, Shingo Hirashima, Akinobu Togo, Keisuke Ohta, Kei‑Ichiro Nakamura, Tsukasa Igawa
    Three‑dimensional analysis of interstitial cells in the lamina propria of the murine vas deferens by confocal laser scanning microscopy and FIB/SEM.
    Sci Rep, 12:9484, 2022
    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-13245-7
  • Hirashima S, Ohta K, Rikimaru-Nishi Y, Togo A, Funatsu T, Tsuneyoshi R, Shima Y, Nakamura KI.
    Correlative volume-imaging using combined array tomography and FIB-SEM tomography with beam deceleration for 3D architecture visualization in tissue.
    Microscopy, dfac015, 2022
    DOI: 10.1093/jmicro/dfac015
  • Hino K, Hirashima S, Tsuneyoshi R, Togo A, Hiroshige T, Kusukawa J, Nakamura K-I, Ohta K.
    Three-dimensional ultrastructure and histomorphology of mouse circumvallate papillary taste buds before and after birth using focused ion beam-scanning electron microscope tomography
    Tissue and Cell 75, 101714, 2022
    DOI: 10.1017/S1431927622000058.


  • Yoshino T, Suzuki T, Nagamatsu G, Yabukami H, Ikegaya M, Kishima M, Kita H, Imamura T, Nakashima K, Nishinakamura R, Tachibana M, Inoue M, Shima Y, Morohashi K, Hayashi K
    Generation of ovarian follicles from mouse pluripotent stem cells
    Science 373 : eabe0237, 2021
    DOI: 10.1126/science.abe0237
  • Hiroshige T, Uemura K, Hirashima S, Hino K, Togo A, Ohta K, Igawa T, Nakamura K.
    Morphological analysis of interstitial cells in murine epididymis using light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy.
    Acta Histochemica 123: 151761, 2021
    DOI: 10.1016/j.acthis.2021.151761
  • Hiroshige T, Uemura K, Hirashima S, Hino K, Togo A, Ohta K, Igawa T, Nakamura K.
    Identification of PDGFRα-positive interstitial cells in the distal segment of the murine vas deferens.
    Sci Rep 11:7553, 2021.
    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-87049-6
  • Sakata K, Rikimaru H, Rikimaru-NishiY, Migita H, Kiyokawa K
    Application of neck lift technique for corrections of concave deformity and scar contracture after tracheal fenestration.
    J Craniofac Surg Online ahead of print
    DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000008046



  • 嶋雄一,鈴木堅太郎「Mini-pubertyとオス生殖機能の成熟」


  • 嶋雄一 「精巣ライディッヒ細胞の分化と男性生殖機能の発達」
    久留米医学会雑誌 85巻6〜8号 139〜145、2022
  • Yuichi Shima
    Functional Importance of Mini-Puberty in Spermatogenic Stem Cell Formation
    Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 28 April 2022


  • Hirashima S, Ohta K, Togo A, Nakamura K-I
    3D Mesoscopic Architecture of a Heterogeneous Cellular Network in the Cementum-Periodontal Ligament-Alveolar Bone Complex.
    Microscopy (Oxf) dfab051



  • 「小児泌尿器科学」(診断と治療社) ISBN: 978-4-7878-2422-6
    嶋雄一(分担執筆 I: 腎尿路生殖器の発生学 5: 生殖腺の発生)



  • 平嶋伸悟、太田啓介、嶋雄一、中村桂一郎
    「メゾスコピック領域における細胞構築の3次元解析 3D Imaging Analysis of Cellular Mesoscopic Architecture」
    日本顕微鏡学会総会第78回学術講演 最先端電子顕微鏡法に関する国際若手シンポジウム
    International symposium for young scientist in state-of-the-art electron microscopy(招待講演)2022.5.10(ビックパレットふくしま)


  • Hioki H, Nakamura H, Furuta T
    Application of virus vectors for anterograde tract-tracing and single-neuron labeling studies. In:  Receptors and Ion Channel Detection in the Brain:
    Methods and Protocols (Neuromethods). Luján R and Ciruela F editors. 2021, Springer, New York, pp303-322. (Neuromehods 169)