


Sep, 2019, AQILLA and ALISA from University of Hasanuddin School of Medicine, Republic of Indonesia are doing experiments. Welcome to Kurume University School of Medicine.


June, 2019. Two new members have joined to our student team. They are working hard to become great doctors who can contribute for both community and global medicine.


May 2019, International Birthday party with faculties, students, and Alan who is doing clinical clerkship at Kurume University under our international exchange program with Brown University, USA. Millions of Thanks!!!


April 2019, Kurume University IBD Center that is composed of the specialists in different fields such as Gastroenterology, Surgery, Pediatrics, Pathology and Mucosal immunology is doing our best to improve the lives of patients with IBD.

恵美子先生が日本で19人目となる医学英語1級エキスパートレベルを取得しました。おめでとうございます。学生達の実践医学英語(Practical Clinical English)上達を目指して頑張って下さい。

January 2019, Emiko is officially certified as an expert in English for medical purpose. This certification would facilitate her ability to teach medical English. Congratulations!!

米国ブラウン大学医学部のIp教授に、医学部2年生のPractical Englishにおいて協同学習方式も取り入れられた英語での講義をして頂きました。本当にありがとうございました。

December 2018, Professor Ip, Brown University Alpert School of Medicine USA provided a great lecture in English to M2 students. Millions of Thanks!!

講座メンバーと当講座で研究経験のある医学生達が恵美子の誕生日をお祝いしてくれ ました。ありがとうございました。

December 2018, Our lab members and medical students who have performed research at our lab cerebrated Emiko`s birthday. Millions of Thanks!!


After RMCP, M3 student Sakura continues research which is designed to dissect out the mechanism of allergy, to make a publication in Nature. Dream should come true!!!


October 2018, Professional camera crew shot a video for our Department. Millions of Thanks!!


October 2018, M3 students who performed research in our Department provided perfect presentations today. Congratulations!!


August 2018, M5 Taka and M3 Ayako are studying at Brown University Alpert Medical School. Millions of Thanks to members of Brown University for providing them such great opportunity!!

ハーバード大学医学部教授に就任されたMassachusetts General HospitalのMari Mino-Kenudson先生に講演をして頂きました。先生の「Never give up」のご助言を肝に銘じて学生達も世界の名医めざして頑張ってくれると思います。ありがとうございました。

July, 2018.  Dr. Mari Mino-Kenudson who has recently promoted to Professor of HMS provided a great and powerful lecture that relay stimulates our students. Millions of Thanks!!

KBCラジオ「おなかのワンダーランド」の収録、司会の小柳さんとディレクターの栗 原さんに完璧な誘導を頂き無事に終了です。ありがとうございました。 8月の毎週金曜日朝6:00から5回シリーズです、お時間のある方はお耳を傾けて頂けれ ば幸いです。

July 2018, Recording about intestinal immunity for a radio program at KBC finished without any problems by strong supports from a commentator and a director. Millions of Thanks.

新たに6人のメンバーが加わったコンサルト会、世界の名医を目指して頑張って下さい、Dream comes true!!

Six new members have joined to our student team. All are pre-internationally recognized doctors (I hope), Dream comes true!!

病気療養中の恵美子のピンチヒッターとして、医学部5年生の定永君が日米の消化器 病の権威の先生がたを前に英語で素晴らしい演題発表をしてくれました。発表後は多 くの先生方からお褒めの言葉を頂きました。本当におめでとう!!

May 2018, Sada (M5) performed a perfect presentation in English in front of many internationally recognized experts in the field of Gastroenterology. We are proud of him!!!


In behalf of Emiko who is currently hospitalized, lab members and medical students celebrated my Birthday. There was also a surprised gift (a combination of flowers and my favorite snacks) that was made by medical students. Billions of Thanks!!!


March 2018, Himuhimu got Ph.D. and graduated from our post-graduated course. Millions of congratulations!!


M6 medical student Motoki who has performed research in our lab is about to graduate. Do your best for your bright future as an internationally recognized doctor.
M2 medical student Aya is newly joining our lab to prepare her study abroad.


Feb. 7, 2018 Prof Andoh gave us a great lecture about the cutting edge knowledge on the enteric microflora. Millions of Thanks.


Feb.5, 2018 Emiko`s interview about the effect of food on immune power against flu was broadcasted on Nishinihon TV.

医学部4年生の定永君が20,000人も参加するJapanese Digestive Disease Week (JDDW) で学会初デビューを果たしました。完璧な英語でのpresentationおめでとう!! 氷室先生も私のハーバード時代の研究室メンバーである杉本先生と西田先生に研究の助言をもらってご満悦です。

October 2017, Sada (M4 student) made his first debut on JDDW where 20,000 Gastroenterologists attended. His presentation in English was perfect. Congratulations!! Himuhim was also very glad to meet my previous lab members Ken and A2 at MGH.

本年よりResearch Mind Cultivation Program (RMCP) がカリキュラムに取り入れられ、医学部3年生が学内の教室ばかりでなく学外または海外での研究室で研究を始めています。当教室でも3名が研究を始め素晴らしい研究成果を本日発表してくれました。将来の世界的名医を目指して頑張って下さい。

September, 2017. Three M3 students are doing medical research at our laboratory under a new system termed "Research Mind Cultivation Program". They performed great presentations today regarding peanuts allergy, epithelial NF-kB activation, and appendical B cell differentiation. Congratulations!!!


July, 2017. Our M4 medical student Sada provided a great presentation in front of internationally recognized famous scientists at Brown University Alpert Medical School. His study abroad is now starting. We really and greatly appreciate the members of Brown University for providing him such excellent opportunity. Millions of Thanks!!


June, 2017. Our medical student team is studying very hard to be great doctors for saving the lives of regional,domestic, and worldwide patients.
Do your best!!!

東京で開催されたGI Research Academyにおいて消化器の分野における世界の名だたる名医と研究者の先生方を前に、有紗先生と氷室先生が素晴らしい英語での口頭発表 を2題連続で行いました。H2ブロッカーが必要なくらいの緊張状態でしたが、発表後 はProf. Marukus Neurath (University of Erlangen, German)とProf. Averil Ma (University of California San Francisco, USA)にお褒めの言葉を頂き満面の笑顔 です。

June, 2017. Arisa and Himuhimu presented their data in English in front of internationally recognized gastroenterologists and scientists at GI Research Academy, Tokyo. Although they were extremely nervous as indicated by requirement of a H2 blocker, they are now relaxing with Prof. Marukus Neurath (University of Erlangen, German) and Prof. Averil Ma (University of California San Francisco, USA) who kindly provide excellent advises for their future studies. Millions of Thanks!!!

4月より新メンバーが加わり、新たな研究体制が整いました。今後とも宜しくお願い 致します。
April 2017: New members join our department. It`s the time for us to actively perform research hopefully to provide rationale for developing novel therapeutic strategies and improving current therapies.

3月10日、広島大学先端科学総合研究棟で行われた、4th HiHA (Hiroshima Research Center for Healthy Aging) International Symposiumでの記念撮影のスナップです。8名の招待講演者と活発な討論が行われ、大変充実した学会でした。
Dr. Emiko joined the 4th HiHA International Symposium at Hiroshima University on March 10th, 2017. The meeting was consisted of the great presentations by eight invited speakers accompanied with fruitful discussions as well as constructive remarks.


Happy New Year!! With Many Best Wishes for your Sparkling 2017, Cheers!!


Himuhimu`s presentation received first award, and Arisa`s presentation received second award in Annual meeting of PhD students at Kurume University School of Medicine. Congratulations and Cheers with your one-two finish!!!

第6回 溝口主任教授コンサルタント会を平成28年12月1日、中津留にて行いました。

Medical students (M3, M2, and M1) in our team. Do your best to be a great doctor to save the lives of patients!!

日本免疫学会で有紗先生の英語口頭発表とポスター発表に、米国からの招待講演者であるスタンフォード大学医学部Steve Galli教授とシカゴ大学医学部教授Cathy Nagler教授が駆けつけて下さいました。

Arisa did a great job at her oral presentation in English at Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Immunology, Okinawa. Prof. Steve Galli, Stanford University and Prof. Cathy Nagler, University of Chicago kindly came to the support for her presentation. Millions of Thanks!!


Prof. Chun Geun Lee, Brown University Warren Alpert School of Medicine, USA delivered a great lecture about the role of chitinase 3 like 1 in inflammation, injury and tumor metastasis. Before the lecture, he also enjoyed an active group discussion in English with our medical school students and PhD students. Millions of Thanks to Prof. Lee.

Dr. Emiko and Himuhimu received research support from Ishibashi Foundation. They will do their best to make a breakthrough for saving the lives of patients.

A medical student starts research in our Immunology Department hopefully to make a breakthrough for improving the lives of patients with IBD.


竹内先生のアブストラクトが、今月京都で開かれるAsian Organization for Crohn`s and Colitis 国際学会のベストアブストラクト6人に選ばれました。
Abstract by Dr. Takeuchi has been selected as Best 6 Abstracts in Asian Organization for Crohn`s and Colitis (AOCC). Congratulations!!

We and our young lab members really enjoyed discussion at Tokyo with our former mentors at HMS, Boston, USA, Prof. Daniel K. Podolsky and Prof. Richard S. Blumberg who both have instructed us what medical science is (for patients) and how to conduct research (work hard with a substantial depth and with innovative concept). Millions of Thanks!!




Dr. Daren Low visited our Department from ASTAR, Singapore.















元禄3年より萩藩主毛利公の番医としての医療の伝統を脈々と受け継ぐ山口県萩市 玉木病院 院長 玉木英樹院長に来室いただきました。








