Cosmetic Immunology
Arisa Yano
担当:矢野 有紗
Significant advance in medical science has brought novel concepts to the fore. One of examples is skin that is now known to provide a place for primary and secondary antigen presentation to induce not only local but also systemic immune responses. In addition, immune cells can maintain skin integrity e.g. by producing IL-22, a cytokine known as “sheep with wolf’scloth”.
IL-22 may contribute for the regeneration of skin, but over production of IL-22 may cause skin diseases such as psoriasis, indicating the importance of immune balance to maintain the healthy condition in skin.
In addition, as indicated by Henoch Schonlein syndrome, skin immune system may be closely associated with immune system in other tissues such as tonsil and kidney.
Therefore, we are working to dissect out the major determinant
to make an appropriate immune balance for maintaining healthy skin condition and to unveil the tissue immune network composed of skin, tonsil, kidney, intestine, and brain.
We hope with believing “Dream comes true” that our project, if fully completed,
would provide an important rationale to develop novel strategies to prevent
skin from aging and diseases.
また、Henoch Schonlein紫斑病などの疾患から示唆されるように、皮膚は扁桃や腎臓といった他臓器に及ぶ免疫ネットワークへ関与している可能性がある。我々の体の中で、扁桃腺は外来微生物に最も早期に曝露される成熟したリンパ組織である。よって、皮膚と扁桃さらには腎臓を連ねる免疫機構の解析は、既に知られている脳腸相関に加え、脳・腸・皮膚・口腔・腎相関といった新たな組織免疫ネットワークを解明につながり、このネットワークを標的とした美容目的から疾患治療目的といった多岐にわたる「お肌の健康維持」に貢献できる事を夢見て研究に励んでいる。