
 1979年4月、当講座は久留米大学医学部免疫学講座として設立されました。初代 主任教授として米国イリノイ大学医学部より横山三男教授が就任され、新築の基礎1号館の7階に講座研究室を構えられ、「神経免疫学」という新しい免疫学の発展に大きく貢献されました。1992年5月には横山三男教授のご退職に伴い、二代目主任教授として米国テキサス大学より伊東恭悟教授が就任されました。伊東先生は「腫瘍免疫学」の実用化に取り組まれ、その研究は現在、久留米大学がんワクチンセンターで臨床試験が行われています。






2014年4月 久留米大学医学部免疫学講座 主任教授 溝口 充志



     Department of Immunology in Kurume University School of Medicine was established in 1979 by Dr. Michel Mitsuo Yokoyama after his 25 year experience in U.S.A. where he opened new avenue in the field of “Glycoimmunology” as Professor in several Universities, including Illinois University.  In Kurume University School of Medicine, Prof. Yokoyama provided significant contributions to the development of new concept regarding “Neuroimmunology”.  After his retirement in 1992, Dr. Kyogo Itoh, who was one of internationally recognized pioneers in the field of “Cancer Vaccine” and an Associate Professor in Texas University, was appointed the Chairman.  Prof. Itoh significantly extended his clinical research at Kurume University, resulting in the establishment of Cancer Vaccine Center at Kurume University Medical Center where active clinical trials are currently conducted.

                In 2014, I, Atsushi Mizoguchi, joined Kurume University School of Medicine as the Chairman of Department of Immunology after my 22 year experience at Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA where I served as an Associate Professor in Pathology.  My major research interests have been mucosal immunology and regulatory B cell biology.  The importance of mucosal immunology in wide spectrum of diseases ranging from autoimmune diseases to metabolic diseases is highlighted by recent discoveries that unexpected numbers of different microorganisms exist in our intestinal tract and altered balance of the intestinal microbial community due to dysregulated mucosal immune homeostasis is associated with the development of many diseases, including not only typical immune diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), some autoimmune diseases, and allergic diseases but also other types of diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis, and autism. In addition, suppressive activity of regulatory B cells in many disorders have recently been identified, including IBD, several autoimmune diseases, allergic diseases, infectious diseases, atherosclerosis, and tumor immunity.  Therefore, we believe that further studies on mucosal immunology and regulatory B cells would lead to the development of novel preventive and therapeutic strategies to save the lives of patients who suffer from these diseases.

Atsushi Mizoguchi, MD. PhD.